Friday, 10 January 2014

• Today is a good day to be alive •

Today is a good day to be alive. I used to get confused about this saying as I thought, surely every day is a good day to be alive?! And it's true - every day is a blessing that should never be taken for granted. Therefore every day that you are alive is a good day, and today mine in particular was a rather lovely one. Sometimes you get days like these - days where the sun is shining, and you're walking through a park, and you enter your house and it smells just like home - and you think, yeah, my life is alright. I feel happy today, I feel lucky.

I think it takes time to become fully appreciative of everything good in your life, and it has taken me a long while to realise that positivity comes from within, not the environment you're in. I was unable to see these things when I was growing up, as a child, as a teen, as a young adult. Maybe I was too immature to appreciate all the goodness in my life. But today I feel grateful.

I wanted to scribble this "perk me up" post to show my readers what makes me happy. I hope that everyday all of you can say to yourselves today is a good day to be alive. Here we go:

Nature - There's nothing better than catching nature at its finest. The world is such a stunning place, sometimes we just have to look in the right places to notice this. Here are a collection taken by myself of little snippets of nature that I believe to be beautiful (instagram: ddiraimo92)

Random acts of kindness - I recently read this newspaper article about cafes where you can buy a "suspended coffee" for one who is homeless. You walk in, buy your own coffee, and buy another for someone less fortunate. Little things like this really do make the world, and its inhabitants, seem a better place.

Me time - This is crucial for me. I really need time to myself on a regular basis, just time to unwind, do whatever I want to do, and not have to please anyone but myself. Even just 20 minutes out every other day to pick up my book, or paint my nails, catch up on a blog, watch a Youtube video. I think it's so important to have some relaxation a few times a week, time when you can collect your thoughts. Click here for a post on my perfect night in, and the products I use to help me unwind.

Food, glorious food - if you follow me on instagram (ddiraimo92) you'll know that I am absolutely obsessed with food. I love eating it, looking at it, taking photos of it, reading about it, making it - anything food-related, I'm on it. I really appreciate a good, hearty meal, and you can always find me cooking something up in the kitchen if I have some spare time. I love taking time over food and slow-cooking as much as possible (BBQ pulled pork, anyone?), Here are a few snaps, again from my instagram, of the food that has been making me happy over the past year.
aaaand a cheeky little photo of my girl Tilly because...well why not? She makes me happy.
And she's cute.
So many more things make me happy, but these are just a few. I guess I just wanted to write this post to allow you to get to know me a little better, without the whole generic "I'm 21, I like this, I like that" (you can find this type of thing on my About Me tab at the top of the page). I wanted you to dig a little deeper and get to know the "real" me.

The message I give to you is "enjoy the little things". Everyday, try and take pleasure in something small, something insignificant to others, but a moment that you can call your own. I woke up this morning and pulled back my curtains and the sun projected little flowers into my room from my flowery net curtains. On the way to university, a mother passed the dog lead to her daughter and the dog ended up walking her; the mother laughed and took her daughter's hand in her own. On the way home, as the sun started to go down, there was a beautiful silhouette of the trees against the blue and grey sky. It's knowing where to look, and how to look, and you can find beauty in almost everything.

I hope your day was special,



  1. Aw, this is so cute.
    Look at all the goodies and treats!
    E | Beauty/Skincare | Cocoamourr

    1. Hi, thank you! :) I just wanted to write a happy, positive little post.
      Love your blog by the way! Daniela x

  2. Love all the things you mentioned! Nature and me-time make me happy as well, and of course helping people out :)
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and for following. I'm def following you back! Lovely blog :)

    1. Hello, ah thank you :) it's a bit of a different post but I really enjoyed writing it! And you're very welcome, I love your blog! Daniela x

  3. Oh so there's your rabbit :))) The pictures of the sushi rolls and the strawberries made me miss Japan so much. and I agree on the Me Time one. I also need that for myself.

    1. Hello, yep there she is :) my little bundle of furry joy haha. I absolutely love sushi and would love to try the sushi in Japan! I'm determined to go there one day! I'm glad you enjoyed the post, Daniela x

  4. Ah lovely post, such a nice one. I agree with the me time too I NEED me time every now and then

    1. Hello, glad you liked it :) I think having time to yourself is so important. We get so fixated on being busy, getting things done that we need time alone to just relax and unwind. Your blog is lovely by the way! Daniela x

  5. Your bunny rabbit is so cute! I really want to get a rabbit I think :)
    Everyone needs some 'me' time, we would all go crazy without it.
    Amy x A Little Boat Sailing

    1. Hello, ah thank you :) She gets far too much attention and is far too spoilt. I'd definitely recommend getting one, they are so loving and fun to be around. And I know, I'd definitely go crazy if I didn't have time along to relax. I think its so important, especially in this modern age where we always have things to do, places to be etc. Your blog is great by the way, I love it! Daniela x

  6. Love the positive message!!!! I think people should slow down too!!! Take time to enjoy the little things!

    xo, Lizzie
    The Uptown Girl

    1. Hello, I'm glad you liked it :) I'm a firm believer of enjoying the little things that others may take for granted. It makes me a lot happier! I've checked out your blog and love it :) Daniela x

  7. Your rabbit it's very cute. Coincidence... When I was little I had an angora rabbit called Tilica :) He was very beautiful and fluffy.. But unfortunately I had to go with my parents on a holiday and I left him with my uncle at countryside and when I returned they gave him to some neighbors there and they eat him... I will never forget this!

    I now follow you on Bloglovin'. Like your blog. Keep it up!
    Andera |

    1. Hello, aw thank you, she is a little cutie isn't she (I'm rather biased though haha!)
      Oh no! That's such a shame, I wouldn't forget that either!
      Thank you for following me, I'm following you too :) Love your blog! Daniela x

